
Category : jewellery

Nearly 2 weeks ago

An Exhaustive Manual for Diamond Shapes in Lab-Made Diamonds

While choosing a lab-made diamond, one of the most significant viewpoints to consider is the diamond’s shape. The state of a diamond impacts its

lab grown diamonds
Nearly 2 weeks ago

Novita Lab Grown Diamonds: An Upset in the Realm of Fine Gems

Introduction to Novita Lab Grown Diamonds Lately, lab grown diamonds have flooded in ubiquity, reclassifying the scene of fine adornments. Among the main trailblazers

Diamond Cuts
Nearly 3 weeks ago

Diamond Cuts: Man-Made Diamonds

Diamonds have for quite some time been cherished for their magnificence and extraordinariness, with how they are cut being perhaps of the main viewpoint

Nearly 4 weeks ago

HPHT versus CVD Lab-Made Diamonds: A Thorough Aide

Introduction to HPHT and CVD Diamonds In the evolving universe of lab-grown diamonds, High Tension High Temperature hpht cvd and Substance Fume Testimony (CVD)

Nearly 1 month ago

HPHT vs. CVD Lab-Grown Diamonds: Understanding the Differences

What Is HPHT? HPHT stands for High Strain High Temperature, a technique used to make lab-grown diamonds that mirrors the normal circumstances under which